Well, only one more day till the Lab Stray becomes the property of the Westford Dog Warden, but I will wait until Thursday, 2/26 before I take any action. I've already had to bring the little guy to the Vet's Office (Tamarack Vet Hosp/route 128) because of a little "run-in" with one of my dogs. The little guy got himself a nice cut just below his eye, which swelled up a bit. We also discovered he was infested with tapeworm.
Well, he's on his way to being worm free and his swollen eye was looking excellent this morning. I also have him a nice bath using a flea/tick shampoo. Since dogs get tapeworm from fleas,,,,it's logical to assume he had fleas during the warmer months.
On Friday, 2/27, he is scheduled to get neutered, after which he should be ready to go up for adoption. He has responded very well to our walking sessions, and is quite good on the leash as long as a choker is used.
Well, he's on his way to being worm free and his swollen eye was looking excellent this morning. I also have him a nice bath using a flea/tick shampoo. Since dogs get tapeworm from fleas,,,,it's logical to assume he had fleas during the warmer months.
On Friday, 2/27, he is scheduled to get neutered, after which he should be ready to go up for adoption. He has responded very well to our walking sessions, and is quite good on the leash as long as a choker is used.